Sunday, June 12, 2011


     I have hiked Mt. Grandeur many times, but this is the first time that I have taken the west side up, over and into Church Fork, then back over and down the west side.
    This was my girlfriend's dad's idea, which seemed a bit collossal at first, but it felt good to push so hard and master the mountain.
     So, like I said, we started on the west side. There is a trail that is hidden up in the neighborhood right around 3300 south. That trail goes straight up that side and you walk through the brushy foothills and through the lichen covered rocks. You really get the desert feel of Utah halfway up this mountain with all the dry grass, dirt, and lack of green plants.

     Anyways, more toward the top you end up doing a little bit of bushwacking through the brush. It's not too bad though. When I went it was in early May and there was still snow at this elavation. I would estimate around 6500 to 7000 ft. You come up over a couple of false summits after this and you're there.  I've always liked Grandeur for a couple of reasons. First, you can bring your dog. Second, it's really easy to get up there, and it doesn't take much time. It only took us 45 min to get up the west side. It is a bit longer if you take the standard trail from Church Fork by about 15 min. I also love the veiw it gives you of the northern and eastern mountains, it also gives a great veiw of Mt Olympus and the mountains to east of it.

The peak looks like a raging volcano in this one

We hiked down from the peak on the standard trail and ate some ramen, courtesy of Matt's portable stove and bowls. Then we made our way back up the trail, to the top, and back down.
     I like Grandeur, a lot because of how different it is from the wasatch south of it. It is not covered in pine trees and it even has some hints of redrock on it. Its fun and easy and has some great veiws. Just look at all these wonderful pictures =D

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